Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Flavor of the day, or...which Kool Aid do I drink now?

It is possible to pick a strategic course in healthcare operations, but is it possible to stay on that course?The key to success is to pick a comprehensive, evidence based course that will stand the test of time.  It is possible to display short term financial success by going after labor costs, but should this be done without focus on revenue cycle?  If it is, than only half of the equation is being addressed.

I've seen too many opportunities pushed to the "too hard" pile. I've seen expert advice ignored due to the difficulty of comprehending and implementing the suggested change(s).

If the best  opportunities are slumbering in the too hard pile, what method can be employed to explore those opportunities?  The answer lies in a management system that is rigorously endorsed, and which consistently explores the "too hard" pile.

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